Face to Face with Justice: AI, Facial Recognition Technology, Law Enforcement, and Privacy

days until: Face to Face with Justice: AI, Facial Recognition Technology, Law Enforcement, and Privacy
April 4, 2025
Face to Face with Justice: AI, Facial Recognition Technology, Law Enforcement, and Privacy
AI advancements have radically changed the scope and abilities of facial recognition technologies, which are now being used all over the world by law enforcement ranging from local police forces to national intelligence agencies.
By bringing together experts in the field, our goal is to foster thoughtful discussion about the ethical, social, and legal implications of AI-powered facial recognition technology in law enforcement, with particular focus on technologies such as ClearviewAI.
Join us to find out who owns your face and what happens when these technologies get it wrong.
This event is free of charge for students, faculty and staff, and members of the public. Attorneys seeking CT CLE credit will be charged a registration fee.
When: April 4, 2025, 10am-3pm.
Where: William F. Starr Hall, Reading Room, 55 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CTÂ 06105
Stay tuned for updates!
Please direct all inquiries to: cjil@uconn.edu or toni-ann.gayle@uconn.edu.
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